Smart Helmet

Our project focuses on integrating technology with safety for motorcycle riders. We aimed to incorporate a Head-Up Display (HUD) into a helmet, providing essential information without compromising visibility. Drawing inspiration from technologies like Google Lens, our goal was to incorporate similar features directly into the helmet, giving riders the flexibility to adjust their view for navigation, speed monitoring, and more.

React Native







Before proceeding with further implementation, we prioritized demonstrating the feasibility of integrating a HUD display into a helmet. This involved understanding the physics of light and eye functionality. Our initial prototype aimed to replicate Google Glasses, utilizing a small display, a lens, and Plexiglas to project a virtual image onto the Plexiglas at a specific distance. Despite challenges, the outcome was successful, providing initial evidence for our concept's feasibility.

In the second prototype, we made significant advancements. We employed an improved lens, which allowed us to project the image at a distance of over a meter. Additionally, we utilized a 3D printer to create a box and attempted to attach the prototype to a helmet for movement tests. This provided invaluable insights into how the system behaved in real-life situations. However, despite these advancements, we encountered challenges when attempting to integrate the prototype into a helmet with its own visor. We realized that we lacked the necessary skills and time to make the helmet fully functional, prompting us to refocus on the project's essential aspects.

Person looking through our prototype
Our helmet prototype first version
Vision through our prototype

HUD Display

Looking through the helmet visualization - sport mode
Looking through the helmet visualization - standard mode

One of the major challenges in this project was providing the Head-Up Display user with necessary information without obstructing their view. We invested significant time to develop a solution that delivers all relevant traffic information while minimizing visual clutter. Selecting colors visible under all weather conditions was also challenging. We conducted numerous tests to determine the most suitable colors.

Additionally, we used simple designs in our prototype helmet to test their behavior on the Head-Up Display. Throughout this process, we identified optimal positions for displaying information without causing significant obstruction.Key elements for motorcyclists included speed, navigation, and speed limit indications. After combining our knowledge and experimenting with several versions, we developed a standard and a sport mode.


To provide users with the ability to customize the display in their helmet and make further adjustments, we decided to develop our own app. This app also allows users to access various information about the helmet.

Initially, we created a Low-Fi prototype to test which features the app should include. We looked for ways to present these features to the user in the simplest and most accessible manner possible. In the Mid-Fi prototype, we selected colors and fonts and thought through the entire process. We made adjustments to the most important features as new ideas emerged during the process. Additionally, during implementation, we realized that some of our original solutions were not always optimal.

After creating a finished prototype, we began implementation using React Native Expo and a backend with Supabase. Choosing React Native allowed us to develop an app that can be used on both Android and iOS platforms. This implementation made our project functional. Users can log in, retrieve information, and adjust settings on the helmet afterward, giving them full control over the system.

Homescreen of the app
Display settings in the app

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